
What services do you offer?

Pre-purchase Analysis

The Center for Home Ownership has a pre-purchase analysis program to help prospective home buyers avoid the embarrassment of being denied a mortgage, and to help them determine their ability to afford a mortgage. Our staff is skilled at matching home buyers with the type of loans, down payment assistance programs, and lending products they need to meet their financial capabilities.

To schedule an appointment please send us an email by clicking here.

Credit Review & Credit Rebuilding

Credit problems are the biggest barrier to home ownership. Through our credit rebuilding program, the Center for Home Ownership helps buyers through education and one-on-one counseling.

Our goal is to help potential borrowers overcome credit problems and provide assistance in readying them for mortgage approval.

Homebuyer Education Workshops

Through industry-sponsored seminars, potential home buyers are shown the steps toward home ownership. To obtain a copy of our class schedule, click here.

For your convenience you can register online for a Homebuyer Education Workshop.

Home Maintenance Workshops

For new and prospective homebuyers, home maintenance workshops offer tips on the maintenance and upkeep tasks that homeowners need to address to preserve the value of their homes. The free classes are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month in one of two Winston Salem locations. More information coming soon!

Participants must register in advance. Visit our calendar  and class schedule to register online or phone 336-773-0286.

Post-homeownership Counseling

After a home purchase is complete, counselors can meet with clients to review the mortgage expense in the context of the family’s overall household budget and experience with homeownership, including:

  • Review of credit reports
  • Overview of routine maintenance
  • Tips to avoid default and foreclosure
  • Wise use of credit
  • Basic money management

We can then create a plan to aid the client in meeting the on-going responsibilities of owning a home and addressing any issues that may be identified.

Who benefits from the Center's services?


Convenient, full service location Friendly, responsive staff Impartial information on home buying and lending Help in resolving credit problems

Local Government and Communities

Increased property tax-base Enhanced community life Educated consumers

Lenders, Real-estate Agents and Insurers

Mortgage-ready customers Access to a pool of potential customers

Center for Homeownership

Center for Homeownership